Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Design Minimalist House Fence

A minimalist fence design course there will always be needed for those who are currently building a house that uses the concept of minimalism. Because to get alignment on a house building, of course, the various elements used in building the house must have the same concept as the building of the house, as one of them is a fence to the house. That way, any alignment on a house we can get, so the value of architecture and the aesthetic value of the building that will house more look perfect.

The design minimalist fence would still flow with a minimalist concept which is used in a home buildings, which do not use a lot of motifs and variations on each corner. It will of course also applies to the fence using a minimalist concept, because in general the fence that uses the minimalist concept will tend to look simple and simple but also can show the elegant side of a building of its own at home. Just like a building that uses the concept of a minimalist home, a minimalist fence design also typically will use a variety of shapes and rectangular box with a clear angle.

In addition, the form usually used would be symmetrical with straight a line either vertically or horizontally across it, because through it is exactly cirikhas minimalist house on a building along with elements of other boosters can get. For a minimalist fencing alone will typically use materials such as mild steel with a box or rectangular shape. Then the mild steel box will be put together to be able to plow a line as befits a fence, and usually, higher fences for a minimalist home will not be more than a half-meter range

Certainly not like the fence in antiquity were most likely to be high and are made of materials such as concrete or tembokan, so the fence is often covered houses and looks forward to building sbuah house was barely visible. But of course it is not just mild steel which can be the basis for the material to make a fence for building homes with a minimalist concept, but the fence for a minimalist home is also at this point has been pretty much developed so that it has a lot of options. Because materials such as wood was the now widely used for fencing in a home buildings using modern minimalist concept.

Just as a minimalist fence are made ​​using materials such as mild steel, minimalist fence design is made ​​using wood also will not use the many motives and also variations in shape. But certainly minimalist fence will use only one color is brown, either using colors like light brown or dark brown. As for the minimalist fence which use basic materials such as mild steel, minimalist fence in general will be given a black color to give the impression of a plain, simple, and elegant.

Due to the minimalist fence design also typically still be combined with a small fence pillars made ​​of concrete or castings, which are then plastered with a natural stone rectangle with color is also inclined towards dark or black. With the combination of these colors, if combined with the color of the exterior walls of the house such as the right shade of gray, then the house will be able to have a luxurious appearance, elegant, and modern course.

1 comment:

  1. the only screws, (which shouldn't be used for stairs anyhow), were toenailed into the stringers 1 per plank.
    patio fence
